It happened today. And it stopped me in my tracks. Here's the scene:
C=Caitlyn, M=Mommy
Caitlyn on the floor coloring a picture for her teacher.
C: Mommy, 2 T's mean you're pregnant right?
M: (Very confused) What do you mean Cate?
C: (obviously frustrated with my ignorance) Mom, when there are 2 T's on the scale it means you're pregnant! Right?
M: Who taught you that?
C: You did Mommy.
M: No Cate, I didn't. When do you think I told you that?
C: You told me Mommy, remember?
M: I really don't remember ever telling you that Cate. A scale tells you how much you weigh, not if you're pregnant or not.
C: You told me that 2 T's on the scale is how you get pregnant mom.
(Mom....very frightened with the conversation that I see coming my way)
M: No hunny, you don't get pregnant that way. (The second I said it, I knew the question was coming and I wanted to kick myself right in my big ass for saying it.)
C: Then how do you get pregnant Mommy?
M: That is a conversation that we will have when you are in the bathtub tonight. (This way I could think of a good explanation that I think she will understand.)
Caitlyn knows that she was in my belly before she was born. She knows that they had to cut Mom's bell because I got sick and they had to get her out. She knows that she was very sick as an infant and had to stay in the hospital. She knows that Mommy can get sick again if she has another baby in there.
Up to this point, when Caitlyn has questioned how she got into my belly to begin with, I have always told her that od put her there. That she was a miracle and a gift from God to me and Daddy because he knew that we wanted a baby. So he decided to give her to us.
I'm not so sure that she is buying this explanation anymore. I am thinking that she wants more. How much more is the question? I am mulling it over and when she is in the tub tonight (in about 15 minutes) we will be discussing it. God help me!
I am thinking that she is talking to dear Kelly a bit too much about things that just aren't appropriate for a 5 and 10 year old to be talking about. She told me today that Kelly told her that as a baby she was dying. So Cate wanted to know why she was dying when she was only a baby. I had to assure her that she wasn't dying, that she was just very sick. Which she already knew, but Kelly went ahead and threw in the word dying which makes it that much more scary to Caitlyn. I may need to have a chat with my mom and with Kelly about what they are discussing when they are together.
Can't wait to see how this one pans out!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Caitlyn seems to be feeling better this morning. She went back to school yesterday and she is there today so I am thinking that it was a short lived cold. Fingers crossed! She doesn't have school tomorrow so she will be able to sleep in, provided she gets to have a sleep over at my mom's. That's one of the added benefits of living only 3 blocks from your mother ;) It is wonderful when she can spend the night there and I can get up and only worry about getting myself ready for work. You completely take that for granted before you have children. Then when they come along and you find yourself rushing like a maniac every single morning, you realize just how wonderful it was to only have to worry about making sure you were ready in the morning!
Wow that was a she is feeling better and I am hoping that the cough is not on it's way. I get so scared whenever this child gets a cough. I am convinced that she is going to end up in the hospital needing assistance for breathing! Not that it has ever happened, and we have only ever been to the emergency room once for breathing since she has been home from the NICU. But the second this child starts coughing, I imagine vents and tubes and blah blah blah. Matt thinks I am crazy, I don't think so, I think he is too lax....whatever. So hopefully there will be no cough since one hasn't started yet!
So 2 weeks ago at ballet, there was a lady there taking measurements for the girls' costumes that they will be wearing for the recital in June. Because Caitlyn has always been so skinny, I wanted to chat with her about the size charts that they provided for us to choose from. Technically, Caitlyn's waist is about a size 3 or 4. However, he length is a size 6 at least! Not too easy to buy clothes for. So I asked the woman and she said that she was certain bassed on Caitlyn's measurements that she would fit in a size 4-6. So we will see. I am hoping that I don't have to have it altered before the show.
There was a grandmother sitting on the bench next to me when I was talking to the measuring lady about Cate's measurements. After the measuring lady left (yes measuring lady is a technical term), the grandmother leans over to me and we have the strangest conversation that I have ever had with another parent! (we'll call her G for Grandmother)
G: My granddaughter is smaller than your daughter??
She says this with such disbelief in her voice that I was really quite shocked by it. Only because she made it seem as though Caitlyn was abnormally small...which she is not.
N: (looking at her sheet with the numbers written on it) It seems that way.
It is then that I realize that I don't want any part of this conversation....I can see where it's going and size conversations with people who have no idea about Caitlyn's history are just not worth my time anymore.
G: Well my granddaughter doesn't look smaller than your daughter. Your daughter looks much skinnier than her.
N: (somewhat of a giggle as to indicate that she is acting like an ass) Caitlyn is skinny, but she is tall. It has always been that way. I am sure that your granddaughter will fit nicely into the costume.
G: How old is your daughter? Cause my granddaughter is 4, almost 5, so I don't think she should be smaller.
N: My daughter is 5, almost 6, so I am pretty sure that it's ok for your granddaughter to be smaller than a child who is over a year older than her. And really, my daughter started out her life very tiny at only 18 ounces, so considering that starting point, I think she is doing pretty well in the size department.
It was at that point that I got up from the bench and walked away. The grandmother has not been back. I don't know who the little girl's mother is as I sit there and actually enjoy reading a book for leisure while I am there as opposed to chatting it up with the other mothers. But I do hope that I offended that woman a fraction of how much she offended me. I was very confused as to why she was so upset that her granddaughter, at over a year younger, was smaller than Cate. I mean, she should be smaller right? I think I was more upset by the fact that this woman must have thought that Caitlyn looked ridiculously skinny in her leotard. Which pisses me off even more! Cause frankly, the kid looks damn cute in the thing :P
You can look at Caitlyn and think that she is quite slim. But I don't look at her anymore as though she is underweight. I used to, but I haven't for quite some time now. She is on the charts, well near the 40th percentile now, so she can't look too different from her peers I suppose. And for height, she is way above that on the chart. So I don't think that people could look at Caitlyn anymore and wonder why she is so thin like they used to.
Either way, the woman was a complete asshole if you ask me. And hopefully she will not be returning to take her granddaughter to ballet. Even more so, if she does return, I do hope that she doesn't want to have a conversation with me about anything. Cause I certainly have no intentions of being polite to her.
Will get some pictures of the girl in the leotard soon. Here is one of my new faves of my girlie

We are going to see Dinsey on Ice Princess Wishes tomorrow. The girl is way excited about that. And I am way excited to go and take pictures with my fancy new camera. It is amazing the features that you get in a camera when you spend a little more (or a lot more) money on it! The software that it comes with is so easy to use! And it has some really fun features for photo editing. So I am excited about it to say the least. I am trying to teach Caitlyn how to take pictures with it as well. Not sure if that's a good plan or a bad one yet!
Wow that was a she is feeling better and I am hoping that the cough is not on it's way. I get so scared whenever this child gets a cough. I am convinced that she is going to end up in the hospital needing assistance for breathing! Not that it has ever happened, and we have only ever been to the emergency room once for breathing since she has been home from the NICU. But the second this child starts coughing, I imagine vents and tubes and blah blah blah. Matt thinks I am crazy, I don't think so, I think he is too lax....whatever. So hopefully there will be no cough since one hasn't started yet!
So 2 weeks ago at ballet, there was a lady there taking measurements for the girls' costumes that they will be wearing for the recital in June. Because Caitlyn has always been so skinny, I wanted to chat with her about the size charts that they provided for us to choose from. Technically, Caitlyn's waist is about a size 3 or 4. However, he length is a size 6 at least! Not too easy to buy clothes for. So I asked the woman and she said that she was certain bassed on Caitlyn's measurements that she would fit in a size 4-6. So we will see. I am hoping that I don't have to have it altered before the show.
There was a grandmother sitting on the bench next to me when I was talking to the measuring lady about Cate's measurements. After the measuring lady left (yes measuring lady is a technical term), the grandmother leans over to me and we have the strangest conversation that I have ever had with another parent! (we'll call her G for Grandmother)
G: My granddaughter is smaller than your daughter??
She says this with such disbelief in her voice that I was really quite shocked by it. Only because she made it seem as though Caitlyn was abnormally small...which she is not.
N: (looking at her sheet with the numbers written on it) It seems that way.
It is then that I realize that I don't want any part of this conversation....I can see where it's going and size conversations with people who have no idea about Caitlyn's history are just not worth my time anymore.
G: Well my granddaughter doesn't look smaller than your daughter. Your daughter looks much skinnier than her.
N: (somewhat of a giggle as to indicate that she is acting like an ass) Caitlyn is skinny, but she is tall. It has always been that way. I am sure that your granddaughter will fit nicely into the costume.
G: How old is your daughter? Cause my granddaughter is 4, almost 5, so I don't think she should be smaller.
N: My daughter is 5, almost 6, so I am pretty sure that it's ok for your granddaughter to be smaller than a child who is over a year older than her. And really, my daughter started out her life very tiny at only 18 ounces, so considering that starting point, I think she is doing pretty well in the size department.
It was at that point that I got up from the bench and walked away. The grandmother has not been back. I don't know who the little girl's mother is as I sit there and actually enjoy reading a book for leisure while I am there as opposed to chatting it up with the other mothers. But I do hope that I offended that woman a fraction of how much she offended me. I was very confused as to why she was so upset that her granddaughter, at over a year younger, was smaller than Cate. I mean, she should be smaller right? I think I was more upset by the fact that this woman must have thought that Caitlyn looked ridiculously skinny in her leotard. Which pisses me off even more! Cause frankly, the kid looks damn cute in the thing :P
You can look at Caitlyn and think that she is quite slim. But I don't look at her anymore as though she is underweight. I used to, but I haven't for quite some time now. She is on the charts, well near the 40th percentile now, so she can't look too different from her peers I suppose. And for height, she is way above that on the chart. So I don't think that people could look at Caitlyn anymore and wonder why she is so thin like they used to.
Either way, the woman was a complete asshole if you ask me. And hopefully she will not be returning to take her granddaughter to ballet. Even more so, if she does return, I do hope that she doesn't want to have a conversation with me about anything. Cause I certainly have no intentions of being polite to her.
Will get some pictures of the girl in the leotard soon. Here is one of my new faves of my girlie

We are going to see Dinsey on Ice Princess Wishes tomorrow. The girl is way excited about that. And I am way excited to go and take pictures with my fancy new camera. It is amazing the features that you get in a camera when you spend a little more (or a lot more) money on it! The software that it comes with is so easy to use! And it has some really fun features for photo editing. So I am excited about it to say the least. I am trying to teach Caitlyn how to take pictures with it as well. Not sure if that's a good plan or a bad one yet!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Sick Sick Sick
Poor girl :( She is so stuffy and runny. I don't understand how one so small can produce so much snot? It truly must be one of the great mysteries of the world. Perhaps up there with the 7 wonders, no?
I saw it coming on Sunday. I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. No such luck. We are home from school today because of it. Normally that would be a splendid thing. However, I have such a busy week this week and now I have to cram it all into only 3 more days. I tried doing some of the work from home today, but there is only so much that can get done with a 5 year old constantly asking for juice, or something to eat, or for me to change the channel on the television. I am trying to get her to "rest" on the such luck. I could tie her down I suppose to keep her there, but I hear that the authorities frown upon that?
Part of the reason that I want her better quick is becaue we are going to see Disney on Ice Princess Wishes this Friday. Naturally I pay out of my ass for these tickets for the better seats. So I don't want her to miss it (nor do I want to lose the money). Though I suppose if I had to, I could get close to the same amount for them that I paid if I sold them on eBay? But I am fairly certain that she will be better by then. So send as many get well vibes to the land of the Walshes if you would please ;)
I saw it coming on Sunday. I crossed my fingers and hoped for the best. No such luck. We are home from school today because of it. Normally that would be a splendid thing. However, I have such a busy week this week and now I have to cram it all into only 3 more days. I tried doing some of the work from home today, but there is only so much that can get done with a 5 year old constantly asking for juice, or something to eat, or for me to change the channel on the television. I am trying to get her to "rest" on the such luck. I could tie her down I suppose to keep her there, but I hear that the authorities frown upon that?
Part of the reason that I want her better quick is becaue we are going to see Disney on Ice Princess Wishes this Friday. Naturally I pay out of my ass for these tickets for the better seats. So I don't want her to miss it (nor do I want to lose the money). Though I suppose if I had to, I could get close to the same amount for them that I paid if I sold them on eBay? But I am fairly certain that she will be better by then. So send as many get well vibes to the land of the Walshes if you would please ;)
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Go Bears!

Onward we go to the Superbowl in a few weeks!!
Caitlyn left her tooth in the pocket of her "Tooth Fairy Pillow" and is now the proud owner of a crisp 5 dollar bill :) She wants me to take her to the Disney Store so that she can buy a new toy. Normally, she puts her money in her bank, but I figure that she can spend this and future tooth fairy money on herself. So this week we will be heading to the Disney Store so she can spend her new found fortune. Can you even buy anything in there for under $5??? I am sure this will end up costing me more money in the long run.
Matt had the opportunity to go to the Bears game today with access to the Cadillac Club at the stadium. However, he turned them down. Nuts you say? well so do I. But he had his sports banquet this morning and didn't want to not be there for his players. Dedication is the only word that comes to my mind. The banquet was wonderful and we all had a good time. Hopefully he won't be too remorseful in the morning.
Friday, January 19, 2007
It Finally Fell Out!!
Well, I guess fell isn't really the right word...since Daddy pulled it out. But it was ready and hanging on by one of those little gummy threads (eww I know). Caitlyn wasn't too scared when Matt was going to pull it. I had reassured her that it wouldn't hurt and she probably wouldn't even feel it. I had to let her know that there was going to be a little blood, cause she gets freaked out about blood. I guess I don't see a medical profession in her future huh??
Matt gave it one little tug, and out it came. There was MINIMAL bleeding, thank God, and no tears what so ever. Once it was out, she didn't even realize that Matt had pulled it out ;) She is so psyched!
We had to clear up a couple misconceptions though. She was under the impression that she would be able to see the new tooth immediately. I told her that it wasn't underneath it just yet. To which she promptly replied that the Tooth Fairy would just "zap" one in there with her wand tonight when she makes her visit. Ummm, no. So we had to have a discussion about a new tooth needing to grow in there. She is a little bummed about that. But as soon as she sees the new one coming in I am sure she will be able to understand it a little better.
Here are some pics of the new gap in the pretty smile of hers:

Matt gave it one little tug, and out it came. There was MINIMAL bleeding, thank God, and no tears what so ever. Once it was out, she didn't even realize that Matt had pulled it out ;) She is so psyched!
We had to clear up a couple misconceptions though. She was under the impression that she would be able to see the new tooth immediately. I told her that it wasn't underneath it just yet. To which she promptly replied that the Tooth Fairy would just "zap" one in there with her wand tonight when she makes her visit. Ummm, no. So we had to have a discussion about a new tooth needing to grow in there. She is a little bummed about that. But as soon as she sees the new one coming in I am sure she will be able to understand it a little better.
Here are some pics of the new gap in the pretty smile of hers:

Thursday, January 18, 2007
Musings of a little girl
Several funnies that have come out of her mouth in the past week:
On making cotton candy
C: Mom how do they make cotton candy?
N: with lots and lots of sugar.
C: I think they use cat fur and add sugar and water. And it tastes so good that you don't even know it's cat fur.
On Fathers
N: (to Caitlyn while hugging her) I am so glad that God gave you to me for a daughter.
C: (hugging me) I am so glad God gave me you as my mother.
.....pause as she thinks for a moment.
C: I am so glad that God gave me Daddy as my father.
.....pause to think again.
C: (pulling away from me and putting her hand by her mouth as though she is trying to whisper) You know Mom, God is really everyone's Father though right?
On making cotton candy
C: Mom how do they make cotton candy?
N: with lots and lots of sugar.
C: I think they use cat fur and add sugar and water. And it tastes so good that you don't even know it's cat fur.
On Fathers
N: (to Caitlyn while hugging her) I am so glad that God gave you to me for a daughter.
C: (hugging me) I am so glad God gave me you as my mother.
.....pause as she thinks for a moment.
C: I am so glad that God gave me Daddy as my father.
.....pause to think again.
C: (pulling away from me and putting her hand by her mouth as though she is trying to whisper) You know Mom, God is really everyone's Father though right?
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Switching things up a bit
So I upgraded my account...pretty much because they tell you to. So I figured I would get a new template as well. Well now, all of the fun little things that I had added are gone. But see, I anticipated that. So I quickly copied and pasted all of the html into a word document first. Sounds brilliant right??? Yeah well I thought so too. Until I discovered that this fancy new version of Blogger no longer requires html to add all those fun little things I had. So now I have to figure out where in the hell to add them with this new version. All the fun is mine. If it can't be located easily, well then let's just say that there will be nothing added ;)
I am not thoroughly convinced that this is the template that I am going to stick with either. So don't be surprised if in the next few days it changes about 400 times. So I guess it's a good thing that I can't figure out how to change anything cause if I change or add a link I will probably change templates and lose the damn thing again. It all balances out I suppose.
The silly tooth of Caitlyn's still hasn't fallen out. It's been over a week now. And she won't wiggle it, with her finger or her tongue. She says it feels funny. Love those sensory issues huh? But she will let me wiggle it, and it is getting looser...slowly but surely. By the time this stupid tooth falls out, there will be another one right behind it ready to come out as well.
I am not thoroughly convinced that this is the template that I am going to stick with either. So don't be surprised if in the next few days it changes about 400 times. So I guess it's a good thing that I can't figure out how to change anything cause if I change or add a link I will probably change templates and lose the damn thing again. It all balances out I suppose.
The silly tooth of Caitlyn's still hasn't fallen out. It's been over a week now. And she won't wiggle it, with her finger or her tongue. She says it feels funny. Love those sensory issues huh? But she will let me wiggle it, and it is getting looser...slowly but surely. By the time this stupid tooth falls out, there will be another one right behind it ready to come out as well.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Caitlyn started ballet today at the park district. And she absolutely loved it! The best part of the entire thing was that she got to wear her leotard and tights and ballet slippers. After all, isn't that what really matters when you are participating in any sport???
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
She wishes I was an octopus
I was cutting Caitlyn's dinner this evening. And in true Caitlyn fashion, she was asking me to take her sweater off while I was cutting. After telling her that she needed to just wait until I was done with what I was doing she leaves the room. That's when I hear:
"I wish you were an octopus. Then you could take my sweater off and cut my food at the same time."
As opposed to her taking the stpid sweater off by herself???
"I wish you were an octopus. Then you could take my sweater off and cut my food at the same time."
As opposed to her taking the stpid sweater off by herself???
Sunday, January 07, 2007
A loose tooth
It's official! The days of toddlerdom are gone now. Caitlyn has her first loose tooth. It's one of the bottom ones. Surprisingly enough, it's actually her very first tooth that came in as an infant. Since the day that Cate has turned 5, she has been asking me when her teeth are going to start falling out. So needless to say, she is very excited. Although, I do think that I am tad bit more excited than she is ;)
She had a sleepover at Grama Rita's last night and when she was brushing her teeth this morning she told Grama that her tooth was hurting her. Lo and behold, Grama wiggled it...and it is really wiggling in there. I think it's hysterical that she didn't even realize it and had to be told that she had a loose tooth.
So now my biggest fear is that it will fall out at school and get lost or she will end up swallowing it, or some other tragedy to ruin the perfect goodness of it all. So I am thinking that in about 2 days I will make her eat an apple to help things along :)
She had a sleepover at Grama Rita's last night and when she was brushing her teeth this morning she told Grama that her tooth was hurting her. Lo and behold, Grama wiggled it...and it is really wiggling in there. I think it's hysterical that she didn't even realize it and had to be told that she had a loose tooth.
So now my biggest fear is that it will fall out at school and get lost or she will end up swallowing it, or some other tragedy to ruin the perfect goodness of it all. So I am thinking that in about 2 days I will make her eat an apple to help things along :)
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Some Christmas Pics
Just realized that I didn't post any of these, so I will take care of that now. The girl had a fantabulous Christmas...receiving an obscene amount of new toys. She got a few boardgames that she absolutely loves (and mom doesn't mind playing so much either :P), she got her Barbie guitar which was a huge hit, the moonsand came, which she promptly said looks much easier to use on tv than it really is, along with a slew of other toys that I am certain will be forgotten in a month's time.

And finally, the Christmas dress. She looked like such a little angel in it this year. It's hard to believe just how grown up she is looking these days. Long gone are the baby pudgy cheeks and such :(

And finally, the Christmas dress. She looked like such a little angel in it this year. It's hard to believe just how grown up she is looking these days. Long gone are the baby pudgy cheeks and such :(

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