Tuesday, January 17, 2006


THIS has got to be the best blonde joke ever. And something like this is really only made possible through the amazing world of blogging ;)


Kari said...

maybe im just stupid (im not blonde) but I cant find the joke! HELP!

Kari said...

ok now i really feel stupid! can i just say click, click, click! Maybe i am blonde!

Nancy said...

You know Kari, I laughed out loud when I read your comment. And I figured that eventually you would figure it out. I had to explain it to Shelley though, but she is pleading something about having a baby or something....excuses LOL

Kari said...

that is too hilarious! what a funny thing!

crazed lunatic said...

OK, so there really wasn't a link?? LMFAO cos i was just about ready to whine that she took it down??? =)