Tuesday, March 28, 2006

It's here!!!

It has arrived and is now all set up, minus the canopy. I have to go get a hook for the ceiling for that. Caitlyn couldn't be more thrilled about it. She loves it and has spent all afternoon up there (added bonus for me not having to fight for the computer with her). She couldn't run out of the door at school fast enough to set it all up and even bypassed the opportunity to go to the McDonald's playland for lunch so that we could come home and set it up.

And just to note how wonderful she thought it was, she took a nap in it in pure Caitlyn form ;)


Kari said...

What a doll baby! One day I hope to meet her and you!

Cath said...

WOW, how cool is that!

worry woman said...

My daughters favorite color is also pink-and please don't take this the wrong way-because my daughter would sell me to the Iraqi militants to have her room look EXACTLY like that but it looks like pepto-bismol...and I am too damn lazy to paint it again in a few years when she out grows it! So, she only has the pink sheets...But WHERE did you get the Hello Kitty??? I have Hello Kitty underwear. Yes, I am 36. But, I LOVED Hello Kitty when I was young!
The room is GREAT!!!