What I am about to post really isn't nearly as offensive as the title, however, it is so very fitting. The weather today was absolutely gorgeous. So I decided to get this child out of the house since she has been couped up for so long. We played on the porch blowing bubbles, drew with sidewalk chalk, played hopscotch, then as it started to get darker, I told her that we could go for a walk and she could take her scooter or her bike. She decided on the bike.
We get about a block away and she can't go any farther. This is in part due to her small stature, but also due to the fact that the poor girl doesn't have the muscle tone or endurance and strength to go any farther. That damn prematurity thing rears it's ugly head when you least expect it I tell ya!
So of course, I carry the bike back and she runs back to the house. Then we decide to just walk...both of us. We go about a mile and on the way back, we encounter a nice gentleman with a very small dog. Naturally, Caitlyn decides to stop and pet the dog. Well, the dog jumps up and puts it's paws on her chest wanting to lick her face to death. She giggles and runs to me and tells this man....
"He humped me like Rudy humps my Mommy!!"
And she is thoroughly excited about this. The man kind of looks at me, snickers, and says, "Have a nice night." And goes about his own walk.
Now I am mortified because this man probably went home and told his wife about some weirdo woman that allows her small child to watch while she engages in sick sexual play with someone named Rudy.
Little does he know, Rudy is in fact my mother's dog. And the fucking dog humps me everytime I set foot in her damn house. Which of course my mom and Caitlyn, and everyone else in the damn house for that matter, thinks is just the funniest thing that they have ever seen.
This dog has it something terrible for me. If my mother calls me on the phone, all she has to do is say my name and the dog goes apeshit barking like crazy running around the house looking for me. When I won't pay attention to him when I am there, meaning I am not letting the heavy bastard lay on my lap, he is walking around the house barking at me or looking to chew something up.
Well of course, when I called my mom, she thinks this is the funniest thing she has heard all day. Says my name, and the dog goes nutso in the background.
And my poor child now finds nothing wrong with a dog humping her mother???? (Side note, the dog on teh street did not hump my child, I would have stopped that shit immediately.)
Damn dog...why can't Matt be as attentive???
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
The first night in the bed
Well, I think it went pretty well. We have hardwood floors throughout the house, so every single noise can be heard. For about 45 minutes after Caitlyn got into bed, I could hear her getting in and out of the bed. Seems to me that she thinks needing the step stool for it really is a load of fun. But she managed to stay in there all night until about 6am. Then she made her way into bed with me for the remainder of the time that we had left to sleep...all 60 minutes of it. But that is something that she has always done. Seems she has a radar that lets her know that Matt is out of the bed and she needs to fill that space LOL.
We are having a splendid time on Spring Break, despite the fact that we don't have it at the same time. The nice thing about having it at different times is that I get a couple of hours in the morning to run errands and just hang out by myself. And I really enjoy that, since it's something that I don't get much. The one major downfall, is that I don't get to sleep in at all cause I have to be up to get her ready and off to school. But she is off on Friday, so I will that day :)
Tomorrow she has her spring pictures at school and she is wearing the cutest yellow dress. (I know I am biased, but really, she is so darn cute in it.) So when those come in, I will throw them up here for your viewing pleasure. After I pick her up and run her home to get changed, we are going to hang out and the mall. Now she wants to pull some money out of her piggy bank and buy herself some Hello Kitty posters. So I told her that we would go to Claire's and she could pick out some HK stuff for her room. We'll probably eat there as well...cause that's what Americans do, shop and ruin their credit and over indulge on mall food making them obese. But that is a post for another time I suppose LOL
And I finally got the canopy up. With no help from Matt I might add. He refused to put a hook in the ceiling. We have plaster walls and that makes hanging anything much more difficult. So I ran to Walgreens (firstly for the cream to help cure the itching issue I have going on) and picked up one of those 3M hooks that are sticky. Not sure if that's going to hold it up there, but we'll see. If it doesn't then I will just hang the damn hook up there myself and not even tell him. Chances are he wouldn't notice it until she moves out of the bedroom anyway.
We are having a splendid time on Spring Break, despite the fact that we don't have it at the same time. The nice thing about having it at different times is that I get a couple of hours in the morning to run errands and just hang out by myself. And I really enjoy that, since it's something that I don't get much. The one major downfall, is that I don't get to sleep in at all cause I have to be up to get her ready and off to school. But she is off on Friday, so I will that day :)
Tomorrow she has her spring pictures at school and she is wearing the cutest yellow dress. (I know I am biased, but really, she is so darn cute in it.) So when those come in, I will throw them up here for your viewing pleasure. After I pick her up and run her home to get changed, we are going to hang out and the mall. Now she wants to pull some money out of her piggy bank and buy herself some Hello Kitty posters. So I told her that we would go to Claire's and she could pick out some HK stuff for her room. We'll probably eat there as well...cause that's what Americans do, shop and ruin their credit and over indulge on mall food making them obese. But that is a post for another time I suppose LOL
And I finally got the canopy up. With no help from Matt I might add. He refused to put a hook in the ceiling. We have plaster walls and that makes hanging anything much more difficult. So I ran to Walgreens (firstly for the cream to help cure the itching issue I have going on) and picked up one of those 3M hooks that are sticky. Not sure if that's going to hold it up there, but we'll see. If it doesn't then I will just hang the damn hook up there myself and not even tell him. Chances are he wouldn't notice it until she moves out of the bedroom anyway.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
It's here!!!

It has arrived and is now all set up, minus the canopy. I have to go get a hook for the ceiling for that. Caitlyn couldn't be more thrilled about it. She loves it and has spent all afternoon up there (added bonus for me not having to fight for the computer with her). She couldn't run out of the door at school fast enough to set it all up and even bypassed the opportunity to go to the McDonald's playland for lunch so that we could come home and set it up.

And just to note how wonderful she thought it was, she took a nap in it in pure Caitlyn form ;)

Monday, March 27, 2006
Tomorrow is the big day
The room is cleaned and the bed frame is waiting for the new matresses. Once they are here tomorrow, they will set them up for me. Now I am debatting whether or not to get everything ready for her and surprise her or wait for her to get home to put it all up with me. After having to clean the room out with her home tonight, I am thinking it may be easier to do it while she is gone. But I know how excited she is about having it all done, so waiting for her help may be the way to go.
In other news, I went for my annual with the girlie doc today. All is well with the bits and pieces with the exception of a little bit of Vulvar Dystrophy. Sounds horrid right??? Well, basically it is fancy medical terminology for I am itching like a mad woman and wreaking havoc on my own bits and pieces. Nothing that a little cortisone shouldn't clear up in about 3 months.....yes! 3 months!!! Now, I would doubt her about that, but again, she was pretty much dead on with the recovery time for shingles, so I am going to have to assume that she is also correct on this one as well. Unfortunately.
Will post some pics of the room after it's all ready :)
In other news, I went for my annual with the girlie doc today. All is well with the bits and pieces with the exception of a little bit of Vulvar Dystrophy. Sounds horrid right??? Well, basically it is fancy medical terminology for I am itching like a mad woman and wreaking havoc on my own bits and pieces. Nothing that a little cortisone shouldn't clear up in about 3 months.....yes! 3 months!!! Now, I would doubt her about that, but again, she was pretty much dead on with the recovery time for shingles, so I am going to have to assume that she is also correct on this one as well. Unfortunately.
Will post some pics of the room after it's all ready :)
Thursday, March 23, 2006
As of 3pm this afternoon I will be on Spring Break!!! Counting down the hours here. Tomorrow I am chapperonning a field trip with the girl to the zoo. Which shoudl be loads of fun considering it is going to be a whopping 38 degrees tomorrow. I'm sure that will make all of the animals come right on out for us to stare at them. The one good thing is that they got so many responses from the parents, that you are only responsible for your child plus one other. And that I am all about ;)
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
From the big girl bed, to an even bigger girl bed
Caitlyn has one of those fancy smancy (not really a word?) cribs that converts from a crib to a toddler bed to a full bed. Well, she has been in the toddler bed phase of it for about 2 years now. In the recent months, she has begun falling out of her bed. The reason is trifold....
1. She is too damn long for this bed being her ginormous 44 inch self
2. The kid loves to sleep on the very edge of the bed; always has, even used to snuggle up to the plexiglass of the incubator (doesn't sound enticing to you and I, but she loved it right along with burying her face...vent tube and all...into the bedding)
3. The insane amount of stuffed animals that have taken up residency on her toddler bed.
Numbers 1 and 2, I take no issue with. It is the number 3 reason that really pisses me off. If this kid would allow me to do something, anything, with the 47 friends on her bed, we may have been able to stay in this bed for a few more months. But you see, they have to stay in the bed. Otherwise they get cold, or lonely, or a myriad of other reasons that she comes up with when questioned about the damn things.
So last night, Matt and I with Caitlyn in tow went to go buy the full size matress and box spring for her new "Even Bigger Girl Bed" as we are referring to it in the house. Luckily we were able to snatch up a set that was on clearence as a floor model. So what would have been a near $1600 purchase (with tax, delivery, and bed frame) only ended up costing just over $700. Not too bad for a bed that will hopefully last this child until she moves out of my house.
This weekend we will be doing some shopping her and I. Grabbing some new bedding and pillows and other fun stuff for the new bed that will be arriving next Tuesday. Luckily, she asked me this morning if she could keep her room pink with princesses....damn straight girlie. Cause that means no painting and redecorating for me :)
And the kciker of it all....
"Mommy, now my stuffed animals will have even more room when they sleep with me."
Damned stuffed animals...I am thinking that we need to stage a kidnapping to get them all the hell out of my house. Anyone willing to drive the get away car?
1. She is too damn long for this bed being her ginormous 44 inch self
2. The kid loves to sleep on the very edge of the bed; always has, even used to snuggle up to the plexiglass of the incubator (doesn't sound enticing to you and I, but she loved it right along with burying her face...vent tube and all...into the bedding)
3. The insane amount of stuffed animals that have taken up residency on her toddler bed.
Numbers 1 and 2, I take no issue with. It is the number 3 reason that really pisses me off. If this kid would allow me to do something, anything, with the 47 friends on her bed, we may have been able to stay in this bed for a few more months. But you see, they have to stay in the bed. Otherwise they get cold, or lonely, or a myriad of other reasons that she comes up with when questioned about the damn things.
So last night, Matt and I with Caitlyn in tow went to go buy the full size matress and box spring for her new "Even Bigger Girl Bed" as we are referring to it in the house. Luckily we were able to snatch up a set that was on clearence as a floor model. So what would have been a near $1600 purchase (with tax, delivery, and bed frame) only ended up costing just over $700. Not too bad for a bed that will hopefully last this child until she moves out of my house.
This weekend we will be doing some shopping her and I. Grabbing some new bedding and pillows and other fun stuff for the new bed that will be arriving next Tuesday. Luckily, she asked me this morning if she could keep her room pink with princesses....damn straight girlie. Cause that means no painting and redecorating for me :)
And the kciker of it all....
"Mommy, now my stuffed animals will have even more room when they sleep with me."
Damned stuffed animals...I am thinking that we need to stage a kidnapping to get them all the hell out of my house. Anyone willing to drive the get away car?
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Bad bad bad bad blogger
Yes I know I have been neglectful. Kari was very quick to point that out to me. So Kari, here is an entry, a nice looooong one just for you :P
Things have been busy in the land of the Walshes. Yet it seems as though we haven't gotten much accomplished. How in the hell does that happen?
Sunday was my birthday and a fabulous time was had by all. Caitlyn woke me up, after letting me sleep in, with a birthday card for me. Made me a little weepy as she wrote "MOM" on the outside of the envelope. She was so very excited about that she could hardly contain herself. She then insisted that I get out of bed promptly as there were many more surprises waiting for me downstairs. And indeed there were....
Matt got me flowers, which happens on a rare ocassion. He also got me an onion bagel (my favorite). In case I wasn't in the mood for that, he bought chocolate donettes (yes they are already gone and have been for a couple of days now). And to be even safer, there was a cheese danish on the counter for me. Basically he was covering all of his bases. Knowing that I can be somewhat fickle (he calls it crabby) in the morning, he wanted to make sure that whatever I wanted to eat for breakfast was there for me. What a guy :)
Then we dropped the girl off at my mom's to play with Kelly. We went to a matinee (read cheap) to see Failure to Launch. Cause who doesn't want to see Matt??? He is so on my list, though it isn't laminated LOL. Then we went to dinner at the Macaroni Grill. I am convinced that this is my new favorite restaurant. And I only discovered it about 2 months ago. And I am so glad that I did. They have great food there.
So here is my Caitlyn funny....
Last night we were playing inher bedroom. She wanted me to be the daughter while she was the mom. She was in her little kitchen making me dinner, soup. Everytime that she would ask if I like something that she was going to add, I would tell her no, just like she does to me. Her response...
"Well you have to eat it hunny cause it is good for you."
Now why is it when I say that to her, it doesn't matter???? So when I insisted I wasn't going to eat it, she started wagging her index finger at me telling me I had to. Know why?
"When I wave my finger at you like this hunny you HAVE to do it."
Really? Is that all it takes to get a kid to eat a decent meal? Man oh man have I been going about this the wrong damn way for a couple of years.
So I was given turkey, ketchup, mustard, corn, peas, tomato sauce, and hot dog soup. I think I may have to add it to the list of recipies to try. Along with a can of Sprite.
She asked me a few times to be the mom and I told her I didn't want to. That she could be the mom since technically, I am always the mom. After arguing with me she yells out...
"I don't want to be the mom!!! I hate being the mom!!!"
Welcome to my world on a bad day with you kid!
Update on the f word....yes it has slipped a few times. BUT, I am so much better! I have even stopped myself from saying it on several ocassions. I am even managing to type it less when the gals and I are chatting on messenger. The funny thing is, now I am realizing how much Matt says it. I think I will need to have a little chat with him about that ;) I can now you know, cause it won't make me a hypocrite LOL
And it hasn't fell from Caitlyn's lips since the Pizza Hut incident.
Things have been busy in the land of the Walshes. Yet it seems as though we haven't gotten much accomplished. How in the hell does that happen?
Sunday was my birthday and a fabulous time was had by all. Caitlyn woke me up, after letting me sleep in, with a birthday card for me. Made me a little weepy as she wrote "MOM" on the outside of the envelope. She was so very excited about that she could hardly contain herself. She then insisted that I get out of bed promptly as there were many more surprises waiting for me downstairs. And indeed there were....
Matt got me flowers, which happens on a rare ocassion. He also got me an onion bagel (my favorite). In case I wasn't in the mood for that, he bought chocolate donettes (yes they are already gone and have been for a couple of days now). And to be even safer, there was a cheese danish on the counter for me. Basically he was covering all of his bases. Knowing that I can be somewhat fickle (he calls it crabby) in the morning, he wanted to make sure that whatever I wanted to eat for breakfast was there for me. What a guy :)
Then we dropped the girl off at my mom's to play with Kelly. We went to a matinee (read cheap) to see Failure to Launch. Cause who doesn't want to see Matt??? He is so on my list, though it isn't laminated LOL. Then we went to dinner at the Macaroni Grill. I am convinced that this is my new favorite restaurant. And I only discovered it about 2 months ago. And I am so glad that I did. They have great food there.
So here is my Caitlyn funny....
Last night we were playing inher bedroom. She wanted me to be the daughter while she was the mom. She was in her little kitchen making me dinner, soup. Everytime that she would ask if I like something that she was going to add, I would tell her no, just like she does to me. Her response...
"Well you have to eat it hunny cause it is good for you."
Now why is it when I say that to her, it doesn't matter???? So when I insisted I wasn't going to eat it, she started wagging her index finger at me telling me I had to. Know why?
"When I wave my finger at you like this hunny you HAVE to do it."
Really? Is that all it takes to get a kid to eat a decent meal? Man oh man have I been going about this the wrong damn way for a couple of years.
So I was given turkey, ketchup, mustard, corn, peas, tomato sauce, and hot dog soup. I think I may have to add it to the list of recipies to try. Along with a can of Sprite.
She asked me a few times to be the mom and I told her I didn't want to. That she could be the mom since technically, I am always the mom. After arguing with me she yells out...
"I don't want to be the mom!!! I hate being the mom!!!"
Welcome to my world on a bad day with you kid!
Update on the f word....yes it has slipped a few times. BUT, I am so much better! I have even stopped myself from saying it on several ocassions. I am even managing to type it less when the gals and I are chatting on messenger. The funny thing is, now I am realizing how much Matt says it. I think I will need to have a little chat with him about that ;) I can now you know, cause it won't make me a hypocrite LOL
And it hasn't fell from Caitlyn's lips since the Pizza Hut incident.
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
I have given up...
The F word for lent. Yes.
About 12 hours and counting.
I have only uttered it twice today and that was in telling the story to my boss as to why I am giving it up. But other than that, it has not left my lips. I have thought it. Don't get me wrong, I have thought it at least 10 times today. But it never fell out.
Now here's what I need from you....
Does typing it count, or am I allowed to still do that? I am thinking that I should be able to since the girl won't be able to hear me right???
About 12 hours and counting.
I have only uttered it twice today and that was in telling the story to my boss as to why I am giving it up. But other than that, it has not left my lips. I have thought it. Don't get me wrong, I have thought it at least 10 times today. But it never fell out.
Now here's what I need from you....
Does typing it count, or am I allowed to still do that? I am thinking that I should be able to since the girl won't be able to hear me right???
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